Buena Vista Rancheria Tribe
Solicitation to Bid
Open Date
Close Date
The auditor shall issue the following audit reports for the Tribe:
- Tribe Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Report which includes all government funds, business entities and component units.
- Separated Tribal Government Services Department which includes Financial Statements, Independent Auditors’ Report and Single Audit Reporting Package and satisfies all the requirements of the Single Audit Act, including Tribe Healthcare, but excluding other business entities and component units.
- Enterprise Financial Statements, Independent Auditors’ Report and Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control and Compliance
Irregularities and Illegal Acts
Auditors shall be required to make an immediate, written report of all irregularities or illegal acts or indication of illegal acts, of which they become aware to the Chief of Staff and Tribal Council.
Reporting to the Tribe
Auditors shall be required to inform the Tribe of each of the following:
- The auditor’s responsibility under generally accepted auditing standards.
- Management judgments and accounting estimates.
- Significant audit adjustments.
- Other information in documents containing audited financial statements.
- Disagreements with management.
- Management consultation with other accountants.
- Major issues discussed with management prior to retention.
- Difficulties encountered in performing the audit.
Additional Reporting
All other industry standard reports and inclusions are expected.
Buyer Contact Information
Questions & Answers
Question: May we be provided some financial information for the 2020 audit year? At a minimum spending for general fund, indirect, each grant program, and each enterprise operations under the scope of the 2020 audit. Thank you.
Question: Please provide prior year audited financial statements so that we can provide you with an accurate fees for the audit.
Question: I request you to provide the prior year Audit report for Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California.
Answer: The Buena Vista Rancheria will conduct an audio only Question and Answer call for RFP respondents on Tuesday January 26 at 9am Pacific Time. See Zoom meeting information below. During that call, specific program and other spending information will be discussed.
Zoom Information:
1418 20th Street
Sacramento, CA 95816